ball game

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ball game

更新时间:2024-07-02 00:14:00

英 [bɔ:l ɡeim]

美 [bɔl ɡem]

ball game基本解释

球赛; 球类比赛; 状况; 活动事态


第三人称复数:ball games

  • 英英释义
  • 网络解释

ball game在线翻译


1. a field game played with a ball (especially baseball)

Synonym: ballgame

1. 球类运动:ball 球 (4B6) | ball game 球类运动 (3B10) | ball pen 圆珠笔 (3A5)

2. [指比赛]:足球 : football | 4. noun [指比赛] ball game | 5. noun [地球] the Earth

3. 名词 [指比赛]:足球 : football | 4. 名词 [指比赛] ball game | 5. 名词 [地球] the Earth

4. 球类运动棒球 情况,局面:ball forming || 制球机床, 滚球成形加工 | ball game || 球类运动棒球 情况,局面 | ball gauge || 球形量规

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
But as soon as I made some T-shirts then the whole ball game changed.(然而,当我用这些织品做了批t恤衫,局面马上就发生了变化。)
I'd still like to go to a ball game.(我还是想去看一场棒球赛。)
I used to be a teacher, so being a salesman is a whole new ball game for me.(我以前是老师,因此当业务员对我来说是完全不同的行业。)
He finds himself faced with a whole new ball game.(他发现自己面对着一个全新的局势。)
Boy 2: But the ball game is next week.(男孩2:但是球赛在下个星期。)
"This is a whole new ball game," said one trader.(“这真是场没玩过的球。”某交易商说。)
Now she attributes much of her understanding of college to that: "But once I got to campus, it was a completely different ball game that no one really prepared me for."(现在,她把自己对大学的很多理解总结为这一点:“但是,一旦我进入大学校园,就会发现这是一场完全不同的球赛,没有人真正帮我做好准备。”)
Two of his biggest competitors are out of the ball game.(他最大的两个劲敌出局了。)
Him: Went to the ball game on Saturday.(他:周六去看球赛了。)
Do you know about the ball game this evening?(今晚有一场球赛,你知道吗?)
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